A Message To All My Friends About The Election

Trump will be President. This is a fact, unless the electoral college refuses to ratify his victory. A lot of people are … extremely upset. Its okay to be upset, its okay to feel angry, hurt and betrayed. This is a normal feeling after a lose, especially such a narrow lose in the midst of a heated campaign.This entire campaign, from the bruising primary to the absolutely brutal general election, has tested us all. Friends, and family have actually refused to speak to each other and acts of violence (committed by supporters of both candidates) have actually broken out all over the country. I have already talked a little about this to friends, and I’ve had a few days to think it over.


First, it’ll be okay. I know some of you are afraid of losing insurance, of being unable to pay for healthcare. I know some of you are afraid family will be forced out of the country. I know some of you are afraid that acts of violence against you will only increase. I don’t have good answers to you for this, other than … I’m sorry. The country, the political system, and the media failed you. You were failed when everyone told you it was “Hillary’s turn” that she was “Inevitable.” You were failed when everyone said Trump’s campaign would fail and he was doomed from the beginning. You were failed when millions of American’s didn’t show up at the polls to stop Trump. But most embarrassingly of all, you were failed by a political class that allowed a candidate like Hillary Clinton to become the only person capable of stopping Trump in the end. I know this isn’t much comfort, and there isn’t much that can be done today, but for now all I can tell you is I sorry, and that this won’t last forever.


Second, Trump might not be all bad. There is a chance we could see a rebalancing of American alliances, easing the financial burden on our military and ultimately strengthening us all. He could also renegotiate our trade agreements that might actually benefit the country as a whole. There is also a good chance we could see the tax code simplified and that would ease the burden on a lot of American’s at tax time. I am sure (hopefully) there is more but these are the early things that could actually help the country, and even the world.


Third, and this is crucial, the left lost an election, not the country. Trump’ win was narrow, so narrow in fact that had Jill Stein’s supporters all voted for Hillary in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania  Trump would’ve lost. I am not saying this to blame Jill Stein or her supporters, but to illustrate a point. A good candidate would’ve beaten Trump. In four years if someone can bring together minorities, young people, and blue collar workers, then Progressives can’t lose. Not only that but now we can energize the country against Trump and Republicans. Democrats also have a chance to retake the house, something I didn’t think was possible before Trump was elected. If you are a Progressive or a moderate, take that anger, that hurt and nurture it. Use it and channel it into the next wave of elections. Begin organizing and working towards winning the next round. Just remember and this is important but give Trump a chance to fail. Don’t oppose everything he does and don’t attack everything he says. Be better than the Tea Party, and think before you oppose. I promise you Trump will do something that will enrage the entire country, just be patient and wait for your move.


We have gone through decades of political strife, and we will have to go through a little more, but soon a real political consensus could emerge that could actually heal this country. We will just have to be patient.

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